Security Controls
There are various types of security controls that an organization can utilize, and these controls are categorized by factors such as who or what implements them and what they are designed to protect. These categories include technical, managerial, operational, and physical controls.
Technical controls, also known as logical controls are implemented using systems rather than manually executed by human beings. Some examples include OS settings, firewalls, antvirus software, IPS or IDS, and the use of encryption.
Managerial controls, also known as administrative controls are controls that are meant to manage how people use technology and other resources. These controls take the form of policies and documentation such as an AUP. Some other examples of administrative controls include security awareness training and risk assessments.
On a similar note, operational controls are a type of control implemented by people rather than systems, focused on the day-to-day operation of systems. Some examples include configuration management, system backups, and patch management.
Lastly, we have physical controls. These controls are used to physically limit someone's access to a builing, room, device, or othe resource. For example, this could include a security guard, fences, locks, or badge readers.
Security Control Types
Security controls can be sorted not only into categories, but also into types. These types include preventative, deterrent, detective, corrective, compensating, and directive.
The goal of a preventive control type is to outright block access to a resource. Examples include firewall rules, a guard who checks identification, or locks on a door.
A deterrent control type, on the other hand, focuses on discouraging someone from accessing a resource. Examples may include warnings in the form of application splash screens, signs, or warnings within a document. Deterrents may also include a reception desk.
Detective control types identify and potentially log breaches when they occur. Examples include collecting and reviewing system logs, login reports, patrolling the area, or motion sensors. Detective controls generally do not resolve issues on their own, and further action may be necessary to resolve the incident.
After detective controls alert someone or something of an incident, that's when corrective controls swoop in. Corrective controls are used to apply a control after an event has been detected, recover from the impact of an event, or to continue operation with minimal downtime. Some examples include recovering an infected device from a backup, contacting law enforcement in the event that someone infiltrates the building, or using a fire extinguisher.
If there's some sort of issue that can't be resolved, you can use compensating controls to instead work around it. For example, if you have an application with a known vulnerability that doesn't have a patch yet, you might create a firewall rule to prevent someone from exploiting that vulnerability. Or, you might hire multiple security guards at once to make sure no sole security guard has access to everything in your environment. Or, in the event of a power outage, you might use a generator so systems will continue to be available.
Lastly, we have the directive control type. This is a weaker security control, because all you're doing is directing someone to do something. On its own, there's nothing directly stopping them from simply ignoring your instructions. For example, you might instruct someone to store all sensitive files in a protected folder, create certain policies and procedures that employees must follow, train users on security practices, or put up a sign that says something like "Authorized Personnel Only."